Thursday, 3 May 2012

A Summer of Possibilites

Awesome, my 4 month long summer break is finally here. Now I just need to figure out what to do with it. It always feels odd, not having the threat of an oncoming exam or paper breathing down your neck. Being able to sleep in, relax and goof off.

So much spare time.


Usually at the start of each month I do a recap of my progress on a list of goals I've set for myself. But let's be honest, how much progress was I going to make during finals month? But now that I have time, maybe I can get some work done.

I haven't gotten any proper exercise in weeks, I haven't practiced baking or cooking, done any book or game reviews, job hunting has gone poorly and who know what else has been neglected lately. But hopefully that can and will change in the coming weeks.

I've got a new pile of work for me now.

I've been sleeping better, so I have more time and more energy now so that means I can get back to trying to not be a scrawny twig. Oh, and that means I'm healthier or something too. Exercise is good for you, blah blah blah.

One of the things I want to do for Theresa before she heads of to China is cook her a proper meal. Usually the most I've been able to do is supplement her lunch with a simple soup or something to that nature. So it be nice to cook her something decent.

Any ideas? Some good steak recipes? I want to make a leek and potato soup, maybe a potato gratin. Thing is, I have no idea what works well together for a lunch. Sure I could just slap together random recipes together but if they compliment each other that be nice.

I don't want her eating some monstrosity like this.

The job hunt is not going well. Most research jobs are either already taken or I don't qualify for them. Same with a lot of the other jobs offered by the University. I've applied for what I can but from the looks of it the best I've got is working at FutureShop for 4 months.

And that's assuming I get an interview. I sent an application a while back, still nothing. Same with the other job I applied for. Getting a bit discouraged here because it's not like jobs are jumping at me, begging to be taken.

Very worried about this happening.

But all in all, I think I should try and relax a bit. My family has confirmed that we will be going to China again this summer. If you haven't read my first experience in China, you can see it here.

Which means that my blog posts will probably be reduced to about once every week. I won't be able to visit anyone else's blogs. Actually, there's a very good chance that I'll have no internet. I mean, I can get past the Great Firewall of China, that's no problem, but it will be a problem if I have no internet.

A nightmare come true.

But we'll see how things go. I've still got 4 months left. Let's see how things turn out.


  1. Oh man, I miss summer vacations in college SO MUCH. Enjoy yours!

  2. Maybe you could cook her a simple cottage pie, or maybe a lasagna. Or even something like macaroni cheese. There are plenty of things you can do. Enjoy your break. It sounds like even though you have plenty of free time you have a lot to keep you busy. We'll understand if you disappear a bit in China. So we'll wait patiently for your triumphant return.

  3. Yeah I was always happy with the four month breaks too. I wish I still got them, after being out and working for 5 years straight, be nice to have four months to sit around and do what I want when I want. But then I suppose it would get boring. Have fun in china and, no idea what to cook I am the last person ever to ask on cooking..haha

  4. Oh summer vacation, savor it! Savor it!

  5. Have fun with your break! Nothing better than summer break. Have fun in China. That truly would be a nightmare if there was no internet. Laughed pretty hard at your Great Firewall of China joke, some company should capitalize on that name for their firewall if they haven't already.

  6. Ah, four months of nothing. Awesome! I'll have ~3 months of that myself in a few weeks now. Oh boy oh boy, finals!

  7. I hope everything goes better than expected in China and with your research for job. There are plenty of good recipes out there.. Try and look for '' pasticcio ''. You'll love it if you are pasta and meat eater.

  8. Oh man. Good luck with the China business!

    Also, ever thought of making an asparagus dish?

  9. Just find a summer job, extra cash is always good!

  10. Good luck with the jobs. That's what you need most, really. As far as the food, I'm no expert.. but I could tell you to go to Melanie's blog. She LOVES requests, and if you ask for something not too hard to make/affordable/with the things you want, I think she'll find a way. Her blog is !NO REALLY YOU CAN EAT IT! or something like that. Find it on the blogs I follow or something, if you want anyway.

    Enjoy summer!

  11. Enjoy the freedom, as I am with no more cast.

  12. you will have great time in China, Demian! Hope you will manage to have fun there and visit as many places as possible beside your parent's hometown

  13. Hope your summer turns out well!

  14. 4 months summerbreak? thats awesome

  15. A day without internet sounds scary! I just realized I've been blogging since beginning of last summer :X

  16. Four months? How fabulous!

  17. There is only one steak recipe you need:

    Take a cut of steak you can afford. Grill until rare on grill mechanism of your choice (don't press on it. You'll lose those awesome juices). After it's done cooking, let it sit for about 5 minutes or so before cutting into it Then eat the shit out of it.

  18. Ah, summer vacation, looking forward to that in about 3 months...

  19. Good for you! You have plenty of time to relax. Well, maybe you can cook for her favorite food.

  20. Well, aren't you a lucky bugger... Still got some 2-3 weeks left, before I'm finished.

    As for food, are you fond of whiskey steaks?
    Not exactly light, but delish as hell.

  21. Summer vacation already? Lucky!
    And good luck on the job hunt!

  22. 4 months good time if you try you will finish pending work

  23. I hope that you trip goes well

  24. Good luck with the job hunt! Hope you can find something, my friend. What sort of meal do you want to cook for Theresa?

  25. Congratulations on having 4 months not to think about exams! It sounds fun to bake and cook and make a nice meal :) I'm going to be finished soon too and it's nice to think of having days to do nice things :)

  26. Lets hope for a good four months my friend and a job at least!

  27. ahhh you so lucky I still have a whole month of school!

  28. Cooking for your girlfriend is so sweet!!!! Hmm a potato and leak soup would go great with a fancy corn beef sandwhich ;)

  29. keep us updated! we would love to hear about your holidays in China!

  30. a double down may be a monstrosity, but it's a tasty monstrosity

  31. I wish you all the luck in the world :)

  32. I can't live a week without internet. I'll die in a month without it.

  33. Hope you find/found something fun to cook for Theresa! I don't know what makes a good combination so can't suggest anything. I'll be interested to hear about your China trip whenever you're able to post - the no Internet thing is a real aggravation when it happens!

  34. Four months?!?! Wow!! Well I do hope you find time to rest and recap and to just re-charge! Erm - much as I love cooking I'm not great at putting a menu together! I think a salad goes with anything main course and I usually bake a pizza or some pasta dish washed down with lots of wine! LOL!

    I hope you enjoy the process! Take care

  35. it's time for "party hard"? xD

  36. wow. good to hear that you can actually have a good sleep now. ^_^

    oh. any girls would be delighted if guys would cook something for them. Theresa is one hell of a lucky girl :D I so envy her :D and sorry, I have no idea when it comes to cooking..haha

    job hunting is not doing well for me either and it sucks :(

  37. I hate having no internet

  38. enjoy your break, and goodluck with the job hunt. I SUCKS.

  39. I'm going to try and get a summer job... Or just become a blogger enthusiast lol

  40. Lucky, I still have three weeks left. Also I don't know what you're talking about, the double down is amazing, lol. But yeah, good luck with finding a job and things. I still need to find one myself...

  41. Set a list of things you have to acheive and the a list of things you want to acheive. Give the first list your priority, an hour a day, and the second list half an hour a day. Things will get done very quickly. And remember to reward yourself, no point doing something if there is not a system of rewards. It keeps motivation.

  42. Enjoy your wonderfully long summer break. And good luck on the job hunt!

  43. jealous you have a summer of possibilities.


    That soup is solid.
