Friday, 7 September 2012

The First Week of Classes

So the first week of classes has begun much to my dismay. No more sitting around and relaxing, nope, it's back to being crammed in a room and time to learn.

It's not all that bad. I'm mostly interested in my classes and they don't seem to strenuous at the moment, all Psychology related. 3 classes on Tuesday and Thursday and 1 class on Wednesday evening. Not bad. Especially considering that Wednesday's class is a lower level Abnormal Psychology course. I took a higher level one a few terms ago so I expected this one to be a breeze.

Maybe I'll just skip class and reuse my old notes.

And then I'm told I shouldn't have been allowed to register for said class.

Yep, turns out that I only got into the course due to some computer glitch. The two courses are essentially the same or something. I'll go talk to someone about this but in the meantime I better find a different course.

I decide to try and fit into another Tuesday/Thursday Psychology course. It didn't seem that amazing or all that special. It's currently full but I'm hoping someone will drop it and I can claim their spot.

And then the prof. mentions that all exams (including the final) are going to be take home.

Yeah, so now I REALLY want to get into this class but who's going to drop it now? It is possible to ask professors to let you into their course and generally they accept.

Unfortunately our class is in this dinky classroom and you're legally not allowed to exceed the max capacity. Fire safety issues and what not. All I can do is hope someone is crazy enough to drop the course so I can steal it.

So I've been brooding over my laptop all week. Constantly checking my email for an opening.


I mean, yeah, I could just take any other course BUT I am determined to maintain my 4 day weekend.
And if I get into this class, it means I get Wednesday off too. So it's almost like a 5 day weekend.

I am more than ok with that. 9AM to 6PM twice a week. Feels pretty good.

So wish me luck. One of my Psych buddies Don is thinking of possibly dropping the course and if he does, I'll be on it like a hawk.


  1. Yeah good luck with that one. A five day weekend would be pretty amazeballs. I was once told not that I couldn't be part of a course, but that I was too smart for it. I was upgraded, and then I dropped out. I knew I wasn't too qualified for the other one.

  2. Exams done at home sounds pretty perfect Damien, best of luck in psych for this year, I hope to end up doing it some day too so it'll be great to hear how it goes. Hopefully you get the results of the glitch fixed soon, your courses seem to always get badly affected by this kind of thing.

  3. LOL,I can actually relate you know?
    And 5 days off a week sounds so bloody good,I`m SO jealous!
    I`m thinking of taking psychology too,but I havn`t taken it before so I don't really know how it is.. Oh well,good luck,I hope you get your way! :)

    Ciao xx

  4. Good luck on getting the course! It does sound great, who wouldn't want 5 days off? :)

  5. Hhaha this makes me me miss college. Four day weekend. Don't take that for granted.

  6. Best wishes for the new college year. Four day weekend is a luxury, but hey if you are willing to work your back off during the week you do deserve it.

  7. Good luck, can't say I'd complain about those hours either. And geez courses always seem to screw around with you in some way haha

  8. You sure do have problems with your courses and whatnot every single year! Hope it all works out for you, and that you can snatch a spot in that sweet, sweet course.

  9. Woah! I hope you can snag a spot in the class! Good luck!

  10. Dude that sounds like an awesome class. Just keep expecting it, it'll come to you!

  11. Good luck on the class opening! You want I should "take care" of one of the current students for ya? ;)

  12. Fingers crossed you get in! My son just went through the same thing...he was #1 on the waiting list and someone dropped out within 24 hours. Of course, it was Calculus...I'd want to drop out, too :)

  13. I hope you get into the class, take home exams are fantastic. xxx

  14. good luck
    hope you get what you desire

  15. good luck with your courses, stressful time!

  16. Good luck! Hope you get into the class you want.

  17. Graduated this summer. So glad I will never have to feel these feels again.

  18. I love when class subjects overlap and you basically already know the bulk of the information. Makes things such a breeze.

  19. I have all my fingers and everything bendable crossed for you!! Yay!! Good luck! Take care

  20. Hope you can find a way into that class!

  21. you should a course which can teach you something, not the one that's the easiest or has the best perks.

  22. I wish you luck...boy do I miss my college days!!

  23. Best of luck taking it! I hope someone who isn't nearly as excited as you are drops it. Might as well go to someone who truly wants it, right?

  24. I sometimes get four day weekend but only after working a seven day shift or four night shifts. Enjoy your years as a student, it's hard out here.

  25. Don had better watch his back now!! Im gonna send my guys Vitto and Rocco out there to help Don "make a good decision"!!

  26. Good luck! Fingers crossed someone drops out for you (:

  27. Hope you get into that class. i wish I had 5 days off in a row!

  28. Hope you get into that class. i wish I had 5 days off in a row!

  29. Sweet Jesus! Take home finals? Perhaps I should consider finally going to medical school after all...

  30. Good luck getting into the class!

  31. I hope you get to snatch up that morsel and have your five day weekend.
