Project Jason is my attempt to gain some weight. It's been a long journey that started in August and I haven't given up just yet, maintaining an average of at least 3 hours a week in the gym. I've learned that it's not enough to simply go to the gym, and through my trainers (Eli and that "other guy") am learning routines, supplements, and "flexibility" to maximize my time spent in the gym.
Almost none of my pants fit anymore either thanks to leg day. My legs have shown the most noticeable improvement since I've got my trainers. If only the same could be said of my upper body and arms.
But what you do outside the gym played a far greater role than I initially realized as well. If you don't eat enough, the muscle won't develop, no matter how much you workout. You'll look like a slightly meatier skeleton.
So today, let's talk about a supplement called "pre-workout" and my efforts to "bulk".
I can only hope my readers are actually reading.
I started getting my protein powder and other supplements through Eli. I'd be taking the same stuff as him, it certainly tasted a lot better the other stuff I was drinking, but one stuck out. Something simply referred to as "pre-workout". Eli claimed that you couldn't get it in Canada (he was ordering it from the States) and that it allowed you to push yourself harder.
I had no reason to doubt him. But the initially the effects were felt after the workout. Usually after an hour or two in the gym I felt exhausted. But on this pre-workout I left feeling full of energy, as if I could go back and do several more sets. Was it the supplement? Was I experiencing some kind of "weight lifting high"? It was odd, but I kept taking it anyways.
The true power of the pre-workout was finally realized on a leg day. We were doing squats. I go down for my last few reps, almost done a set, when suddenly a familiar sensation hits.
My calf is cramping up.
Experienced weight lifters will likely scoff at the barely 100 pounds that I am squatting. But I'm still getting used to this, this is pretty heavy, and to fall over due to a cramp with this weight on my back? Not going to be a good time.
And then suddenly the cramp goes away.
I begin another set. And my other calf starts cramping up but just as suddenly as it arrives it's gone. In fact, for the rest of my leg work out I can sort of feel my legs threatening to cramp up, but it was almost like a barrier was keeping the cramps away. It's the best way I can describe it.
Apparently the pre-workout works by reducing lactic acid build up in muscles. At least, the stuff that Eli got me does that. I've looked online and there are some with caffeine but I think I'm good with what I have right now.
Which brings us to our next topic, bulking and cutting. The idea is that while you workout, you bring your body fat percentage up to 15% by eating 500+ calories above your recommended intake. You'll gain muscle, the resources to build said muscle, and some fat along the way. Then, you "cut" by reducing your calories eaten to 500 below your recommended intake but maintaining your workout schedule.
You don't want to starve yourself (otherwise your body starts breaking down muscle instead of fat) but this reduction will burn away the fat and allow you to keep the muscle. Rinse and repeat.
And one day, you too may look like this.
But as we all know, poor old Damian here has trouble bulking. I need to eat at least 3200 calories a day and I'm used to eating 2000, maybe less. I went to my doctor and for the first time, maybe ever, a medical professional has recommended that their patient eat more fast food.
I'm serious. My doctor told me, "You know, I probably shouldn't be telling you do this, but, ugh... It might do you some good to eat like, an extra Big Mac a day or something. Just to help with the weight gain.". Eating junk food during your bulk phase is referred to as "dirty bulking". And I think all the chocolate milk I've been drinking counts as dirty bulking as well.
I've been on my bulk phase for at least a month now. I'm dying to figure out what my body fat percentage was. Back in August, a machine determined it was at ~3%. Probably inaccurate, but until I get my own set of calipers I'll have to keep using this machine.
I step on, I hold my breath, and a number pops up on a digital display:
My sentiments exactly.
Alright. Need to keep bulking. Maybe in another month something will change. I really just want to start cutting because I'm so lazy. I could go make myself food to eat OR I can load up another video on Youtube. The choice is simple. Eating is a chore, and it's getting expensive. Maybe I should invest in more fast food coupons or something.
Another reason why I don't like bulking is because I'm actually starting to develop a small gut. It's only noticeable to me, when my shirt is off, after I've eaten a lot of food. But still, I don't like this. Give me my abs back.
I've almost gained another 5 pounds since my last post though. There's a few fluctuations but hopefully by the end of the month I'll be at a steady 155 pounds.