Thursday, 2 August 2012

One Year Anniversary

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my blog. To be honest, I wasn't sure I'd last this long, or have that much material to talk about. Most blogs have a tendency to die after a few months, especially personal blogs.

But I guess I have an interesting enough life to continue making posts. Or maybe I can make mundane events seem more interesting.

I'm hoping my posts don't put people to sleep.

I originally started this blog to chronicle the events of me trying to figure out what to do with my life, what I was going to do after University. I truly was hoping that by this point in time I'd have a clearer idea of what to do and expect.

I don't.

And that's kind of scary, at least to me it is. Especially since most of my peers know exactly where they're headed to.

At least I'm special?

Ok, that's not entirely true. I have some sort of idea of what I want to do, it's just not as set in stone as everyone else. I have half a term left until I can get my degree and I guess we'll go from there.

I'm cutting this post short in celebration of my little anniversary, and upon further inspection it turns out I'm a day late with this post. Oops.

But yes, over the year I have had many followers but few have remained with me for a majority of the ride. And I appreciate everyone who stops by to leave a kind message. So come with me as I go through another year of uncertainty. And let's hope by my second anniversary, I'll be somewhere more secure.


  1. Well good luck figuring out what it is that you want to do. I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I was younger, I had a plan set, and then it fell through. Sometimes I'm not so sure, and sometimes I know exactly what I want to do. Congratulations on lasting a year too :) I think if you last a year, you've made it. Like you said a lot of places tend to just fizzle out after a few months.

  2. Well, ya still got half a term left. It took me 1 and a half year to make up my mind, and this was only for my Year 12 option choices.

  3. At least your life is now an exciting adventure instead of a pre-planned boring story! ;D

    Congrats on making it this far! I hope you and your blog live to see the second anniversary as well!

  4. I've never once found your blog boring Damien although honestly that could just be because you have a real knack for interesting, attention catching writing, I can't tell the difference either.

    Congratulations on your anniversary all the same dude and here's hoping that you don't stop writing for a very long time to come, love what you do here buddy.

  5. Happy blogoversary! My one year mark is coming up in just a couple weeks. I didn't think I'd make it this long either.

  6. Congrats on your blogiversary!

  7. congrats on making it an entire year!

  8. Happy Blogversary young one! Do not fret about not having your life path set in stone yet; you're younger than you realize. You have lotsa time to make that decision.

  9. Congrats on your blog's birthday! I will slingshot a piece of cake your way :)

  10. Congratulations on your first anniversary! I'm very happy for you, however, you should be more confident of your writing style which consequently evokes blog addiction :)

    Don't underestimate yourself! A always visit your page with an excitement to read another pile of thoughts and relax. I wish I had half of your visits as a present to my first year anniversary :)

    I suppose, the feeling of uncertainty visits not only university graduates, but also those who are going to begin this path. I'm also in musings about my future choice though there is almost no time left. Good luck with that!

  11. Yeah as you say many don't last, have seen quite a few come and go in my short time blogging as well. You surely entertain and congrats on one year.

  12. Congratulations on a year of blogging! :)

  13. Wow! Anniversaries!!! I just love anniversaries :) It's a mark how diligent you are with your work and blah blah blah. ^_^

    Congrats!!! as a follower, I have all the right to say that I don't find your life boring at all. It makes me see the other side of other people at the other side of the world :)

    please continue sharing for another year/s, centuries..

  14. Congrats on one year of bloggin'

  15. followers always come and go, don't worry about it.... congrats on the anniversary! When's da party? :)

  16. Wow, congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary...and almost 500 followers!

    I think it is well known that people come, but very few stay long. I know my faithful few who always leave comments.

    Here's to the next year...and, as I was told, just write! {There is a lot of nerds out there} ;)

  17. Congratulations!! Hopefully whatever it is you wants to do becomes easily achievable for you!
