Sunday, 27 November 2011

Blogging Tips

A lot of people were surprised in my last post that I have managed to make any form of profit off my blog, especially seeing how my blog is still relatively new. I mean, this thing isn't even 4 months old and I've already made enough in that time span to cash out. I must be doing something right.

I deserve a gold star!

So here are four things that I've done that I think have helped my blog be marginally successful, maybe they'll help some of you too?

Regular posting schedules
    This is probably one of the biggest issues I've seen with a lot of blogs. Inconsistent posting and giant unannounced hiatuses. People generally don't like that and are less likely to visit. Find a schedule that works for you, and stick with it. If you can post everyday like Mark, good for you. If you can only post once a week, that's good too, just be consistent.

    And don't feel bad if you think you need to tweek things. I used to post every other day but when I realized I couldn't keep it up I changed to every third day. No big deal. And when things get hectic I'm prepared. I have posts made in advanced (usually things like Youtube videos)

    Like so.

    Content of Posts

    Ok, so you're posting regularly, that's good. Content of your posts is important too. And by that I mean watch what you say.

    Nothing offensive, try to be as neutral as possible, pretend that you're in front of a bunch of impressionable 5 year olds or this is the first time meeting the parents of your significant other. This isn't because "Oh no, a follower might get offended and stop reading my blog" this is because the banhammer of certain privileges strikes hard and fast.

    And the Google Overlords are always watching...

    Better safe than sorry.


    Unless your blog is amazing and goes viral in a few days you're going to have to work at getting followers and comments. People visiting your blog is key to making any financial gains and often the fastest way to do this for a new blog is other bloggers.

    The easiest way is to find a blog that's already successful and then comment on their blog. And then you go down the list and comment on everyone that's commented on that blog. And then you keep going until you think you've hit enough blogs. I started out with D4's blog actually and eventually that led to all of your blogs.

    Small world.

    Afterwards I only come back if you return the favor. This helps me determine whose blog is still alive and if you actually read my comment. Because I do try my best to say something that isn't "LOLOL GOOD POST".

    New Followers

    Alright, so now you have your following. You get a fair number of comments on your blog but eventually you notice that your view counts are dropping and you're getting less comments despite commenting back on all the blogs you've found above.

    People are going to stop blogging for whatever reason and that means less views for you. You're going to need new followers if you want to keep people coming to your blog. It's a simple but vital step I've seen a lot of people neglect.

    It's as simple as going to a recent post, going through the comments, and commenting on all the blogs that have commented on your commenters. I generally like to clear my history and cookies before I do this, allows me to start fresh and as I go along, the blogs I've visited will be marked.

    I've come across a lot of "interesting" blogs in the past.

    Hope this helps. This is what I've done and it's worked for me. Hope it answers some questions but if it didn't, ask in a comment and I'll respond as soon as possible.


      1. I've only just realised how many followers you actually have. It really bloody works for you. I myself neglect the new followers guideline, and not being afraid to tweak things. I've lost a few followers because they've stopped blogging, or just stopped visiting, and I need some new ones. But anyway, a good guide my derpy friend, a good guide indeed. While the blogging traffic is low, I might try to get more followers. People also like that I reply to them in the comments, it creates a more personal atmosphere, even if not everyone reads or responds back.

      2. This is a great guide man, I've actually bookmarked this. I follow a lot of these tips but it's still good to read them so thanks very much man.

      3. Yep all of this is exactly what to do, have done it all as well. But I got rid of the stupid adwords crap because Google ticked me off, so screw them..haha

      4. Cool tips, I will try them.

      5. All good ideas and tips, but I'll have to argue for a caveat to Tip #2. Offensive material is the best material for humor. For example, if people want to read a joke about punching babies, they know to head over to our blog. Cheers!

      6. Interesting tips!

      7. Your success is amazing - congratulations!
        And I applaud your commenting "rules."

      8. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship

      9. I was a little confused about the name change for a second, but it's all good

      10. There's so much to learn about blogging and there are so many different ways to do it. I've noticed that I get traffic from commenting on big sites (like The Bloggess) but I definitely need to start checking out more of *her* commenters :)

      11. thanks for the tip, i've already about 200 followers, but only about 10 actives...

      12. Very good advice and mostly what Ive done as well. making sure to reply to people who comment is also very important it helps build community on your blog

      13. This is pretty much how I operate, actually. Some people've been dying recently, though.
        But from the sound of it you're making quite a lot of money rather quickly. Took me about 7 or 8 months to get to the cashout level.

      14. It's a great help to the new bloggers man, I couldn't have said it much better myself. I think the trying to find something meaningful to comment on everyone's blog gets hard. If the blog doesn't relate to you personally, then it's hard to come up with a comment. I at least try to read everyone's page.

        Luckily from all the blogs I've read, there's was only 1 guy with an unreadable page. Meaning he used html codes to make his page look "cool" but to the rest of society with eyes you can't even read a single sentence without highlighting it. This is what killed myspace, and I'm glad my fellow bloggers use more standard layouts.

      15. Hmmm...interesting tips. Unfortunately, I'm pretty offensive. Thanks for sharing, though!

      16. LOLOL NICE POST..
        no really, nice post, i knew all those stuff b4 but it's good having a heads up to remember these things.

      17. but i do all of those things...

      18. Interesting points. I've been thinking about incorporating some ads or links into my blog, but I want something "right" and not disruptive. I feel like I haven't found exactly the right thing.

        What's your favorite pasta place that you were gonna take your girlfriend?

      19. I'm actually pretty flattered that I was put in to a "successful blogs", being the one you chose and all. I'd think something like, Lost in Idaho or A Beer for the Shower.

        And one might argue that changing your style isn't fair. The more you behave like yourself, the better the blog will be for your readers. In any case, I side with switching the hammering service to something that suits you better, not your style.

        Juuuust my two cents though.

      20. Good tips, been trying to do the same myself. Getting on a regular schedule is pretty tough...but I think I've gotten better

      21. Good tips for the newcomers and the like!

      22. yep, it's an every day struggle to keep blog working. The tip with the NEW FOLLOWERS is something a lot of people forget, and it's quite important.
        Look of the blog is also important, most people won't read nor comment on the blogs with lots of long text with no illustrations, with white letters on dark background or with visually unattractive layout.

      23. Thanks for these tips! :)

      24. I've already got a fairly consistent following but like everyone else I love new readers. I prefer the look of my blog without any advertising. I don't want to make money out of it, then it would become a pressure rather than the fun it currently is.

      25. Good tips :P
        but..If I've understood you right, you've reached your first payment threshold after 4months of blogging? If so, that's quite bad rating :/

      26. Yeah I have to work on the "not offensive" bit. haha

      27. I love the regular posting schedule. Atleast one qualits article is a great way to build your blog. :)

      28. Congratulations! All these things definitely help, but I'd add a good touch of humor will take you farther than you might expect and a focus that's wide enough that people don't feel you're too nichey. I've done the things you've mentioned, though not all from the get-go. My biggest problems are, I tend to be pretty serious *ahem* dull and I'm VERY nichey. LOL

      29. These are great tips and i'll remember and use them , the one tip i really need to work on is to post regularly lol.

      30. Hope these tips help me get more visitors. (:

      31. Solid info. I'm following a similar routine, and working on that 3rd sweet sweet google payday.

      32. Yea I make sure to always comment on the people who post on my blog. Also all my followers.

      33. Good tips, I wrote a massive reply but I got some 404 error and im not sure if it went through >.<

        Anyway, thanks for the help sir!

      34. Wow, this was really informative and great! I'm a bit of a non-proactive blogger though :P I usually don't hunt for followers (not that that's a bad thing).

      35. Nice post! I noticed that some of your followers are now MY I appreciate your mentions and your networking. I've benefited, thank you!

      36. LOLO NIC- No, I can't do it, not even in jest! I should really work on the follower thing one day, I have a measly amount. Then again, my content probably wouldn't attract a whole lot of people :P

      37. Thanks for sharing all these tips. This is really nice of you. About trying to keep blogs in a constant manner is the most tough for me although it is one of the most important.

      38. Great tips. :) I'm lazy and really suck at looking for new followers.


        No seriously though, agree with most if not all of the things you're saying.
        Glad to see that you've been able to make some cash out of the blog too, keep it up!


      40. You have a great tips here. Thank you!

      41. I likes it! Although some of it won't really work for my rants as I know they can get pretty damn offensive at times, but hey, a bit of controversy can always be fun too!


        I mean, yeah I just post cause I like to talk about gaming, which practically dominates my life if I'm not studying (which I should be right about now). Although while I'm pretty sure most of my content doesn't contain much if any swear words, I think I should redouble my efforts just incase a 5 year old wants to see what Dwarf Fortress/Free Allegiance or any other 2000 era (or graphically limited) games he wants to see.

      43. Four months and almost 300 followers! Very impressive, indeed.

        By the way, thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog :)

      44. Hello ;3
        Click HERE "I like it!" and you share it on your plate ?
        It's terribly important to me, only because of your hunger can have chance to win the competition.
        I can count on your help?
        Sorry for spam.
        LOVE, Poppy :D

      45. yeah, it makes sense :p
        maybe i should actively leave comments on popular blogs :p

      46. good tips, I will pass this info on, traffic on my site can be very up and down. it is a shame google are getting rid of friend connect, I am finding loads of great blogs that I would not have found otherwise

      47. a good kind of a hurt. and do u have every stick person reaction pic ?

      48. Thanks for the info. I know I have a problem with not posting sometimes, but when I do come back I always make sure to comment back on people who commented to let them know that I do appreciate that they read my blog. I'm going to try and make sure I can post regularly again, and hopefully I can get back on track.

      49. Blogger won't let me follow more then 300 blogs and I can't unfollow blogs that are closed already! Do you have any advice?

      50. This really has helped. Thanks!
        That Mario video is hilarious. So, THAT'S what's been making all that noise in my kitchen at night. Plus, I was wondering what that gook was in my blender.
        Oh, I almost forgot.....LOLOLOL GOOD POST!!

      51. Great tips. I think you got lucky too I never saw a blog I follow get so popular so fast. Good for you. Got 3 post coming as of tomorrow so come see me ;-)

      52. Oh... schedules, my great nemesis.

      53. this is awesome DWei! this is very helpful :D bookmarked :D

      54. these are awesome tips, plus i liked that mario video haha

      55. Regular posting is my problem, my mind just drifts some times haha

      56. Once upon a time in a universe far, far away I tried to hold tight to a posting schedule. However, like most everything else in my life, it just wasn't to be; not that that's much of a surprise to anyone...

      57. nice small world @D4

      58. lol at Mario :) It is also very cool.

      59. Good Advice. I have had mine for a year now, and haven't really made much money. But, then again I don't go out and try to get followers like I did at the beginning. lol And that Mario one I had on my blog, good choice. ;)

      60. Your blog is just 4 months old? How successful you are! Congratulations! My blog is 7 months old and have an average of 3,000 hits a day but I haven't earn much from it.

      61. Very informative. I will endeavour to follow these tips, but it will probably be on a much slower scale. I find it very hard to keep on top of all this lark, and I have virtually just started. I don't know how some of you manage it.

        Therefore I predict to have 20 follows by 2075. Awesome.

      62. That Mario video was awesome. I wish I were a professional blogga

      63. Nice post DWei. The common thread with all of these is investing time. The comments part especially. I'm approximately the 70th commenter here. Estimating 5 minutes per article per site of all the commenter before me and you're looking at almost seven hours. And if we're following your advice here, that's seven hours of thoughtful reading and commenting. So for the commentariat's sake, write good articles!

      64. Nice little blog you have here, and I'll be sure to try out some of the tips, especially the posting schedule. I'm a huge offender of inconsistent posting!

        Heh, I actually found this site by searching for Banhammer on google! :P
