Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Well that went Downhill Quickly

It's not usual for me to have upbeat posts about myself on my blog. I try to remain realistic and skeptical about things in life, keeps me levelheaded. So while it was nice to have a semi-optimistic post last time, it's funny how fast things can change.

To start, I have a decent amount of school work in the upcoming weeks. Nothing too big, nothing too serious. Just some nicely spread out assignments and midterms. There's going to be some stress but it's nothing I can't handle, I'm used to this stuff.

But generally I find that it's not one big thing that kills us, it's many little things that constantly eat at us that eventually wear us down.

Where we are the potato chip and ants represent problems.

Such as my Mom getting in a car accident the other day.

Thankfully, she's fine. The passenger side of her car however, is not. Long story short, some idiot jaywalker caused my Mom to make a turn and an oncoming car collide into her car.

Unfortunately, this is still my Mom's fault.

This means that I no longer can use the spare car to drive to school and work. A 10 minute drive now becomes an hour and a half long bus ride so that means no more sleeping in for me. Also, this is Canada and that means it's already started snowing around these parts. But that's ok, I'm used to being sleep deprived and being cold. I'm a veteran student, I'm still young, nothing I can't handle.


If I wasn't sick already.

Yeah, I'm not sure how, but I think I've caught something. Which again, not too bad. On it's own, all I usually need is a good night's sleep to recover. Except I can't really sleep in anymore (no car) until the weekend and being out in the cold waiting for the bus is just going to make things worse. But this isn't even the worst part.

I think my lung has collapsed again.

I've been in denial for a while now but then again I've also been having trouble breathing for a while too. Like all the previous occurrences I was just sitting around when suddenly BAM, mild trouble breathing. The best way I can describe it is imagine having a lump in your throat, except now it's a lump in your chest. Thankfully it (usually) doesn't hurt but it's true that you never notice your lungs until something is wrong with them.

Easy for you to say.

Individually, these issues would be fine on their own. Together, they become problematic. I can't drive to go see a doctor at the moment, not without arousing worry from my parents. It's not like I have time to bus to see one either thanks to my school work. And busing would compromise my immune system even further, I really hope I'm just feeling cold and achy and not catching something.

And even if they found something wrong, I can't take time off anyways. I know the only thing they can do for me is more surgery. It took me 6 weeks to recover the last time I went, I can't do that if I want to have a chance at Speech and Language Pathology next year. The earliest I could possibly go is in May.

I can only power through this and hope my lung fixes itself like it usually does. It's a bit worse than usual so fingers crossed.


  1. I've got mine crossed mate, hope it gets better or sorted!

  2. Yeah that didn't last too long :( I'm glad your mum is doing okay though. It probably shouldn't be classed as her fault. Plus an hour and a half travel is just a bitch. Little problems are fine, but it's hell when they gang up on you. I hope your lungs are okay too.

  3. I'm sorry that your lungs are annoying you so much, if it gets worse I'd honestly implore you to seek help man. It's terrible that your mum was involved in that accident, especially when the law dictates something that wasn't her fault as her responsibility but your health is important, you don't want something bad to happen to you even though I'm sure you'll get better soon. Just keep your head up man, when you're going through hell keep going because nobody wants to stay there.

  4. that sucks about the car accident

  5. First of all, I am glad that your Mom is OK. Yep it becomes our fault even if we try to save idiots out there.
    Breathing problems are a part of my life. Hang in there, keep your chest warm. Do not worry about looking baggy because it does not matter. What matters is how you feel.
    Sorry that you are unable to use a car. It does get tough to get around.
    Good luck with the school. Don't let little things get you.

  6. Damn, sounds like you are just in rough shape at the moment. Not much better here either, but knock on wood, at least I don't have to take germy buses yet.

  7. I have my fingers crossed for you, I hope it gets better soon! It sucks that you have to bus everywhere, I would hate it if I lost my car.

  8. Go see a doctor, for Gawd's sake. Cut class and get on the bus. Believe me, your health has to come first!

  9. sorry to read about accident
    but happy to know that she is fine

  10. :( I hope you get to feeling better soon, Damien!

    I think my area of Texas might actually get snow this year... Crazy stuff! I can't imagine having snow already at this time of year!

  11. Sending you very good thoughts - I'm sorry about all of this. But having had a major medical problem lately, PLEASE GO if you can. Better safe and having time off.

  12. Hope you get better and glad your mom's okay.

  13. I love the snow, maybe I should move to Canada...

  14. Several problems in one - sorry to hear all that. I strongly recommend you though to see a doctor, that will speed your work and guarantee that you are okay at times when you most need it.

  15. How horrible for the accident but glad your mom is OK. The long transport is temporary...what counts is that she is safe.

  16. I'm really sorry to hear about all of the mess. I'm soooo happy that your mom is ok. I've got BOTH my fingers crossed for you!!! (btw, take pics of funny people on the bus and blog about it kind of like "the people of walmart")

  17. sorry to hear about your mum and your lungs, Damien :(
    I'm with Shaw on snow.

  18. Ye Gods what a mess. Glad your mom is OK at least. Doug avoided a wreck the other day by going up the median. That was the good thing. Without realizing it Doug had knocked the oil filter askew and afterwards we lost all the oil in the engine, which equals a blown engine.

    I can't believe you're watching around with a collapsed lung. Please get that looked at ASAP. With your medical history that's nothing to fool around with. Bundle up kiddo.

  19. I hope you feel better soon!

    Glad to hear your mom is okay.

  20. Owch, I'm sure the stress won't help either.. Well hopefully things fix up in time. Luck!

  21. Ugh...sorry about all your worries. Fingers crossed your lung heals on its own...but if not, your mom would want you to see the doctor. I'm sure of it.

  22. I'm in michigan I know what you mean by the cold, so used to it you'll wear shorts in january
    that aside good luck keeping an upbeat mood, I smile but it's only because I've come to terms with the world falling apart

  23. Hope its not to expensive for your mom to get fixed >_<

  24. Damn, sounds like you are going through the wars. I survive on about 4 hours sleep a night but my days at Uni are now truly over, so I don't to sleep to survive.

    Look after yourself.
