Thursday, 15 August 2013

A change in Posting

It's been a hectic first week of work. And it shows. I'm still trying to change my sleep schedule, trying to learn as much about my new job as possible, and squeeze in time to work on my projects before collapsing into bed.

My parents have also returned from their vacation in Asia. This means my days of sitting around, sleeping in, and not answering to anyone are over. It was nice having the home to myself and my siblings, and contrary to my parent's belief, we didn't starve to death or have the house turn to ruin.

Also, as expected, my Mother doesn't approve of my new job. I shrugged it off.

But due to the increased workload I've been encountering, I have not been able to visit everyone as much as I'd like, let alone post. I'm changing my posting to every 3rd or 4th day to give me a bit more breathing room.

I'll see everyone sometime (hopefully) this weekend.

My sleep deprived brain finds this hilarious and I hope you do too.


  1. It's understandable you've had to change things up both in your real life and in your blogging life. I hope despite everything the new job is going well, even if it's draining.

  2. Good to hear the job is working out though.

  3. Your image cracks me up! Well not your image, I have no idea what you look like, I mean your gif.

  4. Good luck! I'm super busy right now too - it's exhausting! I want more naps. MORE NAPS DAMNIT!

  5. I hope you get used to your new schedule soon! It sucks when you feel like you haven't got enough time.

  6. I remember leaving the house in my son's care when we had to leave town, whew, that's scary stuff for a mom, hahaha. :) Like you though, I returned to find the house intact. ;)

    Congrats on your new job.

  7. Asian mothers never approve of any job. Daisy's mom is the same way.

  8. I'll just repeat my last comment . . . Welcome to the workforce!

  9. Don't work yourself to death, blog when you can

  10. I hope you can get your sleep schedule sorted. It's tough adjusting to a new work/sleep pattern.

    Mothers are often disapproving, but hey it's your job not hers, right?


  11. Glad to hear things are going well at the new job...and that you maintained to house without starving :-)

  12. I really hope that you manage to sync everything in buddy. Work has been so busy and consistent for me over the last few weeks I've really been struggling to find the time to post so I feel like I can relate to this in a big way, hopefully you get back in the swing of things soon. I love that your mum doesn't approve, I'm not surprised at all from what you've told us about her haha, she will when you gain lots of success from it though, she should be so pleased you got a job so quickly after graduating, it's a big achievement.

  13. Oh. Yeah that's cool, take it easy. Breathing room is necessary.

  14. Why doesn't she approve of the job? Are you calling about how penile implants are working or something? :)

  15. adjustments may take a while but you will get adjusted.

  16. Good to hear the house was still standing when your parents got home.

  17. Awe - - go get some sleep. I know sleep deprivation can make any one go crazy.

  18. Your sched looks like pretty like mine. Full time job plus blogging except that I'm the mom ha ha. You'll get used to it don't worry.

    Blog hop anytime you're available that's what I'm doing :)

    The gif looks cute :)
