Saturday, 10 September 2011

Oh god it's everywhere

Quick note before I start today's post. I haven't been reported (yet) but there was a reader who was offended by any use of profanity. She/he also claimed that the Google bots would eventually crack down on me. I argued with him/her for about half a week and the messages began to have the tone of "change it or I'm reporting you". I was getting sick of talking with them so I just gave in and complied.

I hope you're happy now.

Anyways, today's post is about a problem my household has been having for a number of years and that is mice seem to keep finding a way in. Our home is not an old or rundown house by any means, it was build the year I was born and my family is OCD when it comes to cleanliness. But that doesn't stop the mice from coming in and inhabiting the basement. Maybe there's a hole in the garage that allows them in but we haven't found it despite doing a complete clean up.

Dad insists on catching them alive and releasing them in a field several kilometers away so we doubt it's the same mouse over and over. I think he purposely made sure that a grocery store was nearby in hopes that they would run there and infest them instead of potentially coming back to us.

Oh Safeway, what won't you have next.

Like most people my age I live in the basement but the storage room is far from my bedroom so I wasn't afraid of a rodent scurrying in and hiding in my closet. That changed a few weeks ago when I was brushing my teeth and noticed mouse dropping all around my sink. I got rid of it and a few days later, more droppings. This continued for about 2 weeks and it started to really bother me.

Now, we caught and released a mouse a long time ago and even if there was one around there was no way or reason for it run around and poop on my sink repeatedly. I mean, if it liked eating toothpaste I guess but I don't know many creatures that enjoy doing that.

Or maybe they're just jerks.

Dad came to the conclusion that maybe the droppings were falling from the ceiling. So we removed a panel to take a look.

And there were mouse droppings.


Just, everywhere.

We vacuumed them up but then I realized something. The mice probably had a way to travel across every part of the ceiling. And if so, they probably have been on the ceiling panels in my bedroom. I may have been sleeping with poop above my head for months.

Unlike this guy, I actually mind.

But I don't think there's anything I can really do about that. I don't want to risk tons of mouse crap falling all over my bed and beloved computer. I think I'll just pretend like they don't exist, and the problem will go away once I move out.

Yeah, that's a good plan. Absolutely brilliant.


  1. I kinda like the attitude your dad has regarding the mice. Most people just kill them, I sort of dig those little creeps.

  2. wow man that sucks,i can't believe someone would do that.

  3. I had to read this part several times "today's post is about a problem my household...", I had mistaken household for husband XD

    damn, that sucks, but why don't you call deratization guys if you are unable to get rid of them?

  4. If you're going to go the "catch and release" route, I recommend going on a hunt to try and find the mice nest. Only then will you be fighting a worthwhile battle...

  5. Ignore the guy saying this stuff to you buddy. Like somebody else says, maybe they're trolls? They're extremely sad if they aren't.

  6. We had mice in our house too. My father is nowhere near as kind to them as yours. One time I lay in my bed clutching my pillow and tried not to listen as he bludgeoned one to death with the vacuum cleaner. ._.

  7. MICE? EW.


    This is why it's good to stay in apartments. Houses attract all kinds of rodents.

    And that reader is unreasonable. If she didn't like your blog, she should't read it. There are PLENTY of blogs with profanity.

    I'm going to check out Google's blog guidelines now. Do they actually prohibit profanity? If so, 60% of their blogs will probably have to be reported.

  8. Need to find the entrance the mice use? Flood your house, see where the water comes out.

  9. Check this out:

  10. always pick you battles. i think you made the right decision. Don't ever let those jerks piss you off though.

  11. You are a lot braver than I am! I would have set a bazillion traps and slept upstairs on a couch!

  12. in my room in the college dorm, I got a lot of mice visiting me frequently lol. They love my foods.

  13. :O Ahhh! My goodness I hope you guys get things resolved!

  14. I try to avoid swearing in my blog anyway, but sometimes, I do it a lot lol. I don't think you can be banned for swearing, I've seen blogs with softcore pornography on them, and you can make blogs about pornography. If that doesn't get you banned, an occasional f word won't. Some people are just assholes. My cat has killed about 3 mice in the past few weeks, but she could just be finding the same dead mouse and dragging it back :/ If you release them into a field it depends how far away it is to whether or not its the same ones I think.

  15. Im happy you didnt use poison to kill all these cute mices, however, too many of them is just creepy

  16. I killed a few out of annoyance. Probably killed 7 of them just this year. We have a house but our neighbors are just divided by walls. and I noticed their Chinese. Not being racists but Chinese people ALWAYS attract Critters.

  17. Wow, them mice sound like really unpleasant types.

  18. Offended by the use of profanity? I say fuck that guy

  19. Man i hate having mice in my house, but I am more worried about cockroaches.

  20. oh, mice .... I love all animals except those horrid little rodents!

  21. Just ignore him, it's the smartest and wisest thing to do!

  22. Brilliant plan indeed!

    More seriously, good luck with the infestation.

  23. We have mouse problems too and have set a few mousetraps all around the house. We don't let them go though, we kill them and flush them down the toilet.

  24. Yeah, I don't think there is anything about profanity. If so, I'm totally screwed. Still, I don't mind mice that much. I grew up in an old farm-house, and we just got cats to take care of them. It's just a fact of life.

  25. Looks good! Thanks for the update! Followed!

  26. i used to have mice problems aswell..wasnt a nice experience

  27. This post is kind of depressing actually :/

  28. "She/he also claimed that the Google bots would eventually crack down on me."
    That's fucking bullshit.

  29. ... I don't like mice, let's just quietly mention that I have two cats. Fine post nonetheless :).

  30. When I lived in an old chapel I used to have mice there, they didn't really do anything bad though and I like mice so I didn't mine o.0

  31. That's nasty. Seriously. You should get checked for all the freaking diseases that those fellas carry with them. Mice poo has hanta virus among many other diseases that can fuck your liver pretty bad.

  32. ew that's really bad. i hate mice and the thought of them running around just makes me sick. i don't know how these people could suggest you to ignore them..i wouldn't sleep at night!

    jos xx

  33. The mice stuff is just plain nasty, but what intrigues me the most, is what in the world made the other guy sooo ofended.

  34. Honestly... not a good way to deal with problems, although its a very common psychological approach.

  35. been there my friend, it aint nice

  36. I sincerely think you should reveal who was giving you a hard time. I'm sure we could work it out.

  37. I ignore many problems and hope they go away. :) Mice poo is no good. No good at all.

  38. I hate spoil sports! If you hate swears don't read blogs with swears!

  39. honestly who threatened to report you?! what a party pooper.

    and yeah, pretending a problem doesn't exist always works for me too (Y) but personally, I wouldn't really be able to UN-know that the ceiling above my head was supporting a rat poo culture :S

    annie | WEMAKEPLANS

  40. We use an emitter plugged into the wall and the mice numbers dropped dramatically.

  41. Never had any mice problems myself, perhaps you could make a project of building a better mouse trap?

  42. First of all, fuck that bitch who made you censor yourself. Google bots don't care about profanity, they only care about porn that are on blogs that are set to "clean".

    Second, I hate mice. We used to have mice in my old house because they got trap in as their were building it. We tried to catch them for live release but they were way too clever. Had no choice but to poison them after about a month of them ruining our pantry.

  43. goodluck with your problem bro, I know how it sucks to have mice

  44. Be as profane as you want, man. Censorship is bullshit.

  45. I haven't ever experienced a mice problem but earlier this summer we had a cricket problem. They kept coming inside just to die...really weird.


  46. I laughed so hard on this... But I wish you luck to get rid of those mice. And what's the deal with your dad releasing them alive? Isn't this just somehow uneffective? O_o

  47. First, fuck censorship and ANY of it's supporters. And second, if there's that much of a turd fiasco in the ceiling, I think you guys might need to reconsider the catch and release policy.

  48. Haha...props to your dad. What's the point of releasing mice if there isn't a grocery store nearby?

  49. Reminds me when a friend lived on a blow mattress in my dinning are because one night at her place a mouse (she just found out she had mice a few days before) ran across HER while watching tv.

  50. Thanks for the laugh so early in the morning, your blog is awesome! Thank you for visiting mine too. How about getting a cat? Your dad reminds me a lot of my dad, good on him for releasing the little guys.
