Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The first post that no one ever reads

They say when you're going through a confusing, troubling or "interesting" time in your life you should write about it. Writing allows you to get things off your chest, relieves you of that stress so you don't end up relieving that stress by stabbing everyone at the local supermarket.

My name is Damian. I've just finished my third year of University and I have no idea where I'm going with my life. I don't know what I'm going to do with this Science degree or what awaits me when I finally graduate. For all I know, I could be on the brink of failure. Eternal joblessness and living in my parent's basement until they kick me out.

I'd rather die in a car accident than become like this.

I know I can't be the only one stuck in this purgatory, there must be other people who have experienced or are currently experiencing the same things I am. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic, but I find it's better to expect the worst only to be proven wrong.

So come with me, as I share my story. And hopefully, it won't end with me going on a rampage at the nearest Superstore.

 It would make for a good blog post though.


  1. whatever sounds interesting, just go for it! if it doesn't work out, re-evaluate and try again

  2. i passed from exactly the same stage as you are now and i m interested to see how you will proceed :) +followed!

  3. Unfortunately, I'm not in the same boat. I never made it to college, but I did spend an inordinate amount of time in my parents guest house. Now that I'm on my own, I still can't say it gets any better. Good luck to you, though.

  4. yeha, i understand your worries, mate i've been there :)

  5. Hey it's a tough and exciting time for you. You'll do it. I know you can.

  6. dont quite understand these pics :D

  7. BTW...also made you new blog of the day.

  8. Hey man, it'll be alright. :D If it *is* hard, sweet, it just makes you stronger. If you *do* fail, it's just one of many to help you hone your skills, so that when you DO succeed you've done it with hard work and dedication and you will simply feel SO proud to just be who you are once you hit that moment. That moment is what you live for.

  9. we've all been there. welcome to the blogosphere. :)

  10. I'll have you know, I read your first post that no one ever reads. Hello Damien.

  11. It's actually incredibly common to feel the way you are describing. I've definitely been there. My philosophy is to flow through life like water. Just keep living day by day, taking the path of least resistance and you eventually end up exactly where you are meant to be. It will all be ok in the end, just keep up the hard work and you will get what you deserve :)

  12. well Im well after my college years and yet Ive no direction in life, so I feel your pain

  13. Hey, if you've already put 3 years into science at school your future's looking a lot brighter than most people! Just keep your head up ,and be confident. Make a plan, and execute it. Oh, and lol @ that pic... looks like me in the winter time ha ha :)

  14. I'm following you dude, it'll be interesting to hear what you've got to say. I'm starting uni in September!

  15. I start my third year in two weeks. It is scary

  16. Seems a pretty og blog, following :)
    Uni in 2 years for me (fingers crossed)

  17. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.. I've started college twice and gave up both times. :/

  18. cheer up dude, i followed you!!

  19. basement dwellers unite! Keep up the good work haha, and cheer up. +1 follow

  20. Ha, university is ALWAYS interesting, good luck! BTW, Damian is an awesome name.

  21. Is it wrong that this resonates with me on pretty much every level. Even the choice of a supermarket fits to me.

  22. Man, you should go to an war to see what's adrenaline.

  23. Become an enterpreneur. Start a business and/or invent something and become rich as fuck.

    On my blog you can find how to push yourself to become a succesful enterpreneur.

  24. I live in a room under the basement

  25. However it ends up, give us the gory details and keep us posted brah

  26. I'm not too sure what to do with myself either. I hope the both of us can find our paths.

  27. not just that your wrong with your titel its also wrong to think that you dont know what to do in life. get out, make some connections so you will have a nice job after you have your phd

  28. yea hate it when these moments arise and makes you think about everything

  29. I know that feel man , going through the same thing, 2nd year of university and I feel I'am stucked, actually I was thinking in a new career.

  30. First posts are the best! Lets keep the posts coming!

  31. It is a difficult situation. I have been through it too.

  32. Look at you with all of these comments and followers on your FIRST post! Are you famous or something?

  33. i like the basement dweller pic

  34. Stuck in pergatory? Like a comment on an old post that may never be read by anyone.

  35. i have been stuck in purgatory for years. i live with my mom or with friends who run a soup kitchen, or both places as i'm doing these days. i have no money and can only afford the bus between the two. good thing i get free food at both places. getting ahead, or just not being left behind in this world means plumbing contacts, which i don't do a whole lot. thus, my life.

  36. Cheers man, get everything off of your chest in a blog. Recently started myself and so far it's like an e-diary that people read (and judge you for)
